Mario Theme 2 on Chrome Canary (c) JordanTBH Technologies
Introducing the new Mario Theme! Since releasing the first Mario Theme nearly two years ago we’ve since been flooded with questions, tweets and emails about updating the theme we originally had no plans to update the theme or even release it however, we did in July 2011 and within the first couple of weeks it reached 24,500 (crazy!) installs and that’s why today, we’re proud to tell you we’ve released Mario Theme 2, or Mario 2 as we like to call it.
We were in discussion about if we should release it as an update so people running the first version will be updated to the new version when they next launch Google Chrome. However, we believe due to this is a new ‘calm’ design we feel they might not approve the new look.
Version one was based on the colour red, the new version is based on a mixed blend of the colour grey so on that note we are releasing this as a “new” theme rather than an “update” and therefore you will need to download it again – if you choose to, of course.
Pricing and Availability
Mario 2 is available right now for Windows & Mac at no charge on the Google Chrome Web Store worldwide. Currently, not supported on Chrome for iOS or Android.
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