From left to right: Current look and feel (v1.0-r) and the upcoming update (v2.0)
The JordanTBH Technologies App Directory is a collection of extensions and applications that JordanTBH Technologies Software, Inc create and allow others to download and experience on multiple platforms such as; Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Windows OS.
The currently App Directory is a little out-dated and is currently being re-written in our new Brighton Office. Not only will we be updating the design of the App Directory we will also be launching some pretty cool Apps and Extensions in early 2014. The new refresh will take advantage of the JordanTBH Technologies Developer API. If you’re not a fan of blue you will be able to login with your Developer account and choose from a list of options and control how all of our websites look – not just the App Directory.
Let us know what you think of the preview via the contact form.
That’s all we have for now! :=)
Screenshot from: SwagBucks Newtab Launcher